This is a website for an H2020 project which concluded in 2019 and established the core elements of EOSC. The project's results now live further in and

DODAS Dynamic On Demand Analysis Service

Cloud Concepts and Open Source Solutions - Day 2

Training materials used during the "Cloud Concepts and Open Source Solutions" training event for Lebanon researchers

Cloud Concepts and Open Source Solutions - Day 1

Training material used during the "Cloud Concepts and Open Source Solutions" training event

Dynamic On-Demand Analysis Service (DODAS)

Training material used during the Jennifer2 workshop, 12/12/2019

Second International PhD School on Open Science Cloud

Training material of the Second International PhD School on Open Science Cloud

Virgo Computing School

Materials used during the VIRGO Winter School

DODAS Service

This presentation give an introduction of DODAS (Dynamic On Demand Analysis Service) service, including the architecture of the service, and concrete use case examples. The training is given during VIRGO Comping School.